Welcome to De Stokland

A good atmosphere and safety for everyone are important to us. Children enjoy going to school, teachers enjoy working and parents enjoy helping and feeling involved wherever possible and necessary.
Welcome to the website of De Stokland! Our school is a village-school with an open en friendly climate with an enthusiastic and knowledgeable team that, together with our students, wants to get the best out of ourselves. We offer customized education to children aged 4 to 12 in a safe learning environment.
We think it is important to always critically test our educational offer and the way in which we offer this against what children needs today. That's why our school is constantly moving and evolving.
In consultation with the team, parents and children, we have set out a number of core values in the past schoolyear against which we are always keen to test our education: OWNERSHIP, INNOVATIVE LEARNING and CONNECTION. These three core values will regularly be reflected
 in the coming years in developments that we've made or that we still want to make.
We notice that many children benefit from structure, tranquility, regularity and clear agreements.

We offer this to our students, so that everyone knows in advance what we expact from each other. Open communication is important to us. Pupils practice in our school in the "small society" how you can interact with each other, out of mutual respect, to be able to use this as a skill later in society.

To contact the school you can fill in this form or call us: 0499-490388
 Finding out what you are good at and then doing that is the key to happiness.